Lara Ramey

Lara Ramey

Creative Content Writer

I Love a Good Story.

Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine and then we will know each other better.

When a story is built to compel or sell, it's fun to be the buyer because your trust has gone up and you feel closer to the product or service. You have now dated and you are intrigued and ready to take the next steps toward commitment. Stories build from that trust and bring focus and clarity. They are the building blocks of your business because your story is what gets them to want more.

I write content for businesses to teach, explain, clarify, escape, divulge, entertain, relate, and compel. My background is unique, I have worn many hats and have been involved in the Financial Services Industry for over 15 years. My teaching and coaching experience helps me to tell it how I see it but in a non-boring or jargon-laced fashion. I know how to turn a teachable moment into a call to action.

My specialties include:

  • + Ghost Writing
  • + Blog Writing
  • + Newsletters
  • + Website Content and Editing
  • + Landing Pages
  • + Video, Podcast, and Webinar Scripts
  • + Creative Writing Services

I am also a total book/word nerd and I play a lot of volleyball. Thanks to a lifetime of competitive sports, I am both coachable and a team player.

I look forward to working with you.